We’re normally not ones to lose our heads over new Disney merch…
…but these new Haunted Mansion Dioramas have us seriously freaking out! Just wait until you see what’s inside!
There are two new Haunted Mansion Dioramas currently at the Disney parks — “The Attic”, which features Constance Hatchaway, the infamous Black Widow bride, and “Séance Circle”, which boasts the spooks of all spooks, Madame Leota, in the flesh — err, crystal ball, rather!
Closer inspection of the packaging reveals The Attic Diorama includes 32 pieces while Séance Circle Diorama only has 22 pieces. Usually mo’ pieces = mo’ money, but such is not the case here! Both sets are priced the same at $24.99!
Time to reveal what these things actually LOOK like! Get ready to have your crypt doors creak and tombstones quake cuz these Haunted Mansion Dioramas are about to rock your world! Here’s what “The Attic” Diorama looks like!
See what we MEAN? This thing is CRAAAAAZY! Just look at the sheer amount of visual detail in EVERY SINGLE PIECE! This thing’s more satisfying than a 32 piece chicken nugget — although we don’t recommend eating the pieces!
From its miniature chaise lounge to its empty birdcage, globe, trunk, pedestal and wedding cake, we feel like we’re on a teeny-tiny Haunted Mansion! And there’s so many hats and hatboxes, but sadly no Hatbox Ghost in sight! (But if you’re looking for him, check out the Hatbox Ghost Tiki Mug for sale at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort here!)
But let’s chat about everyone’s beloved (but luckily not betrothed!) hatchet-wielding bride for a sec because she seriously gives us the CHILLS! Girlfriend’s got some problems, but we’re totally diggin’ her in this diorama!
Now let’s take a peek at Séance Circle! “Serpents, and spiders, tail of a rat… Call in the spirits, wherever they’re at!”
Why it’s almost like we can faintly hear Madame Leota’s incantations! And what’s up with the ringing bell? We can see her book of spells off to the side — looks like a real page-turner.
But the real showstopper piece is Madame Leota herself! She’s encased in her crystal ball — just like in the ride! We’re definitely picking up on some of those sympathetic vibrations she’s sending our way.
The back of both Haunted Mansion Dioramas features the same spooky pattern with bats, candelabras, and headstones.
We found both Haunted Mansion Dioramas at Memento Mori in the Magic Kingdom. And don’t forget to swing by Big Top Souvenirs in Storybook Circus to scope out the new Mr. Toad Magicband we spotted today, too! #TAKEALLOURMONEY
Will you be hopping on your doombuggy and hurrying to Momento Mori to nab these Haunted Mansion Dioramas? Let us know in the comments!